shabby blog

Monday, June 1, 2015

June 1, 2015 - The Grand Architect

"We each try to do our part, but He is the grand architect." 

I love this quote from Elder Andersen in the last General Conference! I read his talk this week called "Thy Kingdom Come" and really felt the truth in those words as I reflected on the events of our week!  Sister Penales and I have both been sick this week.. It's kind of just a cold/flu type thing. So we were at the Visitors' Center on the morning shift, both struggling with our voices being audible. We could still talk, it was just a little more croaky and raspy than normal. The senior couple on shift saw us and was like "you two can just go home and get some rest!" But we didn't want to, so we just decided to stay. And good thing we did!! There was a point where the VC was super busy, and all the other sisters were busy giving tours. At that time this couple walked in, so we went to talk with them. The lady (Chelsea) was a less-active member, and her husband (Patrick) was a non-member. They are stationed here in the military, but they had never seen the temple before. So, we start giving them a tour. Amazingly, our voices were not too bad. (Tender mercy...Thank you Heavenly Father!!!) We found out that Chelsea really wants to come back to church since she just had a baby a couple of months ago. After talking about the temple and eternal families, we took them through "God's Plan." I have seen that movie like 500 times, but the Spirit was so strong as we watched it with them! By the end of it, everyone was in tears. Chelsea and Patrick were so touched. Afterwards, they talked about one day being sealed and having an eternal family. They had a new goal in mind, more than just coming back to church. They had an eternal goal, to make it to the temple! 
We tried to do our part, our raspy, croaky part... and God did the rest. He is the grand architect, and He opened their hearts to the Spirit. I'm so excited to find out what else God creates in their lives as they continue on their spiritual journey towards the temple! 
So let's pay attention this week, and see what Heavenly Father does to multiply our tiny little part. He has the blueprint, and He knows what needs to happen. He will allow us to help in our small way, and we will enjoy getting a glimpse of that glorious plan! 

Well, I love yous soooo much!!! :) I hope you have a happy week! 

Sister Sabey

PS. Don't worry we're better now!! :) 

1- Our motto this week: spread the gospel, not the disease! 
 2- Me and Blake MacDonald :) 

3- Dinner @ PCC with Lyna Gumba, former sister from the VC who's now going to school here :) 

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