shabby blog

Monday, May 25, 2015

May 25 - Kia Kaha :)

This week's phrase comes from my lovely companion Sister Penales... it's "Kia Kaha," which means "stay strong" in Maori. #kiwi 
It's also my current life goal... considering it's my last transfer (ah! what?!). But don't worry! I will stay strong and work hard up through the last minute of my mission! 
This week has been awesome. I love love my companion Sister Penales! She is still a "greenie" but I feel like she is training me! She came out on her mission so prepared, so we are ready to give this work our all. It's nice to have all our proselyting time (1-2 hours a day!) to give to one ward. Even though I miss 5th ward, that one felt like family! But all is well because I know Heavenly Father is keeping me in this one for a reason! 

Anyway...... just a quick thought..... this week we had a lesson with one of our less active members. We have been working with him for a long time and have been struggling to know what he really needs. He is an RM but hasn't been active for a long time. In our lesson we talked about prayer. He finally opened up and said he's never really had a testimony that God answers prayers. That was a really sad thing to hear. Knife to the heart. It made me realize how many truths are contingent upon prayer..... God is our Heavenly Father, He loves us, He wants to hear from us, we can receive personal revelation from Him, prophets can receive revelation from Him....the list could go on. It also made me think about my own testimony of prayer. I didn't have an experience like Joseph Smith, but I didn't have to. I have said so many small and simple prayers, sometimes with just a squeak of faith... and they were answered. Lovingly and mercifully. Not always in the way I thought, or in the way I wanted. But they have always been answered. Sometimes I don't recognize the answer until way later. But I have absolutely no doubts that God loves us and He listens to and answers our prayers. If you don't have a strong testimony of prayer, the best way to gain one is to pray! Pray with faith that Someone is listening and that He cares. He will answer the smallest prayers. He will show you that He is listening in some way. Look for Him in your day! There is evidence of Him everywhere. 

Anyway... I love you all sooo much!!! Aloha!!!
Sister Sabey 
1- Sister Penales and I! (before we knew we would be companions haha)

2- Family history, I am doing it! 

3- Back to "12 weeks".. which means back to role playing! This is the piece of wood our genealogy is written on the back of. Haha I have no idea where it came from! But it makes for great role plays! 

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