May 5, 2015 #miraclemay
Aloha my lovelies!!!
Thank you all for being so wonderful, sometimes I wonder why Heavenly Father saved all the most amazing people to surround me with! I feel so blessed, and I am grateful for each of you <3
It is Miracle May!! Our mission is doing this thing for #miraclemay to seek the Lord's help in hitting our goals for this month. As missionaries, we can't hit our goal alone... we need the help of members and especially the Lord. Because one of the best ways to petition for the Lord's help is through fasting, we are doing a huge fast in the month of May. On each day of May, one person (or family) from each ward will choose a day to fast, along with one missionary companionship from the Zone. So for each day of May, there will be at least 12 people or families in Laie fasting for missionary opportunities within the Zone. We have already started to see so many miracles! When we went to introduce the idea to the bishops in our wards, they were so excited. After we introduced it to our wards on Sunday, they were so eager to fast with us! That in and of itself was a small and simple miracle. So many people expressed their faith in the power of fasting for missionary opportunities and shared experiences during their testimonies in Sacrament meeting. By the end of church both calendars were full!! Of course miracle May isn't about fasting, it's about helping God's children come unto Christ. But I know that the Lord listens to our prayers, and He is the one who softens hearts. Already I have felt a softening of hearts among our investigators.
Well, I'm out of time but I love you all soooo much!! Happy Mother's day mom, talk to you soon! :)
<3<3, with much ALOHA,
Sistah Sabey
1-Our district "Chen and Friends"!! (Our DL is the Chinese one, Elder Chen of course:)
2-May day! Aka. Lei day! It's kind of a big deal here in Laie haha :)
3- "the mission ends where the sand begins." Good thing the view from the grass is just as beautiful!!
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