shabby blog

Monday, June 15, 2015

June 15 - Of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven...

Aloha my loves!!!
I hope everyone is doing well and had a great week! 
So the VC is doing Story Time again! We haven't done it since last fall, but since it's summer there are a lot of people who would love to come. If you don't remember it's just a 30 minute story/lesson thing where kids 2-5 come and sing primary songs, listen to stories, etc. Last week the theme was "Faith in God." The part we were in charge of was telling the story of David and Goliath. So to make it more interesting Sister Jensen (senior sister at the VC) made it into a little play! Sister Penales is 4'9", so naturally she played David, and there's an Elder in our zone that's 6'6", so he played Goliath. :) The kids loved it! (except one little boy who started crying when Goliath came out.. haha too realistic!). It was nice because we did it in front of the Christus statue. The Spirit was so strong, and just having the image of the children surrounding the statue made me think of how much Christ loves children. It makes sense because they are so pure and humble and sensitive to the Spirit :) It also made me realize how simple and beautiful the principles are. They are simple enough for small children to understand and apply. We can find joy in the most simple gospel truths, like faith and repentance! 
Anywho, that's all the time I have today, until next time! I love you!!!!!


2- It always seems like the temple is spotlighted 

3- David and Goliath :)

3-  <3 my favorites Hyuki and Aiden <3

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