shabby blog

Monday, January 5, 2015

Jan. 5, 2015 - Fia Fia - Happy New Year!

Aloha!! Fia fia= Happy (in Tongan. :) 

Well, this week was just splendid again! I love being a missionary, and I am so grateful every day for this opportunity. I love meeting new people and sharing my testimony all the time. 2015 is going to be full of miracles... I really just want to be a missionary forever. :) 

Well since you asked.. I'll tell you about my New Years Eve! It was super fun... Laie Zone got to come together and have a talent show, and then watch Frozen. And since you all know how talented I am (cough cough), I wrote and sang a song! Haha just kidding, I didn't sing it alone by myself that would be ridiculous. But Sister Latu and Willardson and I did it together! We changed the words of "We are never ever ever getting back together"... or whatever that song is called.. and made it apply to missionary work in Laie. :) It's the best getting out of your comfort zone... that's definitely something I've loved doing on my mission. And that's when ALL the miracles and worthwhile experiences happen! Do something that scares you every day! Just try it, I dare you. Wonderful things will happen. 

Then of course we watched Frozen, which was awesome. I'm glad I had never seen it before my mission so this could be the first time seeing it! After the movie finished, we went home and went to bed at like 9:30pm. But then I woke up at 10:30pm because our house is sandwiched between two student houses (partying, obviously) and two party houses (fireworking, obviously)... and I realized everyone else in our pad was awake too... so we just watched the ocean and the fireworks along the coast... and eventually just fell asleep doing that. It was great! 

Okay well sometimes I feel like I just tell you all the fun stuff and not the spiritual stuff... but there's definitely more of the latter happening! I promise! But since I slack about telling you those things... I just want you to know that I KNOW that this Church is true. I know that following the principles of the gospel is the way we can find true peace and happiness. Even when we have trials and weaknesses and challenges, Heavenly Father has given us a way to endure and overcome. We are never alone, and we never need to feel like we are alone. Because of the Atonement, we can be forgiven, enabled, and changed. It makes me so happy that we have the choice to change... that is our whole purpose of being here and that is what will allow us to become what Heavenly Father wants us to become. I love this gospel, and I love sharing it!!! I want everyone to feel the effects of living the gospel, because it gives us real happiness. Keep on sharing your testimonies, even if it's in a small and simple way, because you never know what kind of difference it can make to someone else. 


<3, Sister Sabey

Okay PS. I SERIOUSLY LOVE EVERYTHING YOU GAVE ME FOR CHRISTMAS AND I USE IT ALL EVERY DAY!! Especially all the things that smell so good, and the water bottle, and the blanket, and the cute photo album, and the chocolate, and the almond butter, and the jump rope, and the things for the people in the ward, and and and I could go on! I just want to say thank you again! Oh and I even eat the chia seeds!! Without gagging! I know, I'm a changed woman. Thank you thank you thank you! 

1- this view will never get old
2- okay so you can't really tell in the picture... but i'm super duper soaking wet. winter season=rainy season 
3- i found this cute little gatito homeless and starving and it looked like it needed to cuddle. too bad pets aren't allowed... :) 

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