...And a Happy New Year!!
Well first of all, it was just a DELIGHT to talk to you on Christmas!!!!! You guys are the best :)
This week was spectacular!! It was the best Christmas week ever. :) Here are some daily highlights:
Monday: There's this one ADORABLE family who comes into the Visitors Center every Sunday night, the Macdonalds. So since they're tight with the sisters, they decided to host a Christmas dinner party for all of us! But it wasn't just any Christmas dinner, it was a "Night in Bethlehem" dinner. So we had to enter at the proper east gate, "pay" to enter and to get food (with smarties), and eat our crackers and cheese on the floor. At the end we watched the Nativity bible video. Even though it was the zillionth time I had seen it, it still struck me with such power. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father loves us enough to send His only Begotten Son to us!! He is the only way to true peace and happiness, and only through Him have I felt that.
Tuesday: Temple trip!! I know I probably say this every month, but I LOVE the temple. I am so grateful to be in a mission where I get to go monthly and be on the temple grounds daily. It truly has a spirit of peace that you cannot find anywhere else on this earth. That's why it's often called a "refuge from the world." And I always feel added strength and insight every time we go.
Wednesday: Christmas Eve! The Visitors Center was still open until 6, but proselyting ended at 2:30. So we got to spend some time on our online area (emailing and calling people who have come into the VC and left their information). So that was great to catch up on! Then at night all the VC sisters had a Christmas program- dinner together, white elephant, and then we watched some bible video's from Christ's life and shared our testimonies and sang Christmas hymns... it was lovely. It was very spiritual and nice to really focus on Christ.
Thursday: Christmas! We spent all morning delivering gifts to ward members, then we went to our Christmas lunch at Sister Rodriguez's home (where I skyped you from)! It was DELICIOUS and I love Filipino food. Sister Rodriguez is one of my favorite people in this whole world. She doesn't have any family, and she doesn't have very many things. But despite her very humble circumstances, she is ALWAYS serving others. She is just so willing to GIVE everything she has. She's definitely one of the most Christ-like people I know! Then fast forward... caroling at a care center.... skyping with you!!..... then at night we all got to come to the VC to watch "Forgotten Carols." It is such an inspiring movie! Well it's actually a play that was recorded, but it's so good and you should watch it sometime!!
Okay well I'm running out of time... and this email is massive..... but rest assured Friday through Sunday were great as well!!! I love you so much and I hope you had a wonderful, happy, Christ-centered Christmas, and I hope you have a very happy new year!! I'm thinking of you and praying for you!! This church is TRUE!!!
With much aloha,
Sister Sabey
1: Christmas Eve with the padmates :)
2: Lunch @ Sis Rodriguez's
3: Christmas in Bethlehem
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