shabby blog

Monday, December 15, 2014

Dec. 15 - Mele Kalikimaka!!

"Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say on a bright, Hawiian Christmas day! That's the island greeting we send to you from a land where palm trees sway!"

Merry Christmas in Hawaiian! This is from a song that is played everywhere this time of year. I hope everyone is having a happy Christmas time!!! Thank you for all the emails about how much you are serving this season. That really is the best way to have a meaningful and happy Christmas! :) 

So, funny story. Once upon a time I went on exchanges with Sister Chang!! In the morning of our exchange, I woke up not feeling so great, so I asked if I could have an Ibuprofen. So she gave me one and I felt so much better! And then we went to district meeting, and our new DL Elder Young Yen from Samoa made us panikeke... which is like a delicious fried doughnut ball of goodness. It was so good. After I ate it, I started feeling kind of sleepy.... I thought it was probably just all the grease and sugar. So we headed to the VC for morning shift like normal. As we were welcoming people and taking tours I was feeling so dizzy and confused and had a really hard time opening my eyes every time I blinked. I turned to Sister Chang and said "I feel like I took nyquill or something...." Sister Chang just gasped and then started laughing...... apparently she had given me Benadryl... the extra power kind that knocks you out for the night. If you've ever tried to stay awake after taking that stuff.... it does crazy things to your brain. So, that was a memorable VC shift! Or.. maybe not so memorable because I can't remember half of it....... So yeah. Good times. :) Sister Chang felt really bad about if after, but I just teased her that she drugged me because it was her first exchange as sister trainer. 

In other news, there have been MIRACLES!!! On Thursday, the mission bough tickets for all the missionaries and their investigators to go to "Christmas Lagoon." It's like a boat ride around the PCC they do every year that goes through the story of the Nativity and then has Christmas culture celebrations from all around the world. It's a super spiritual and fun event. Anyway, there's this one non-member in our area, Azlina, who Sister Latu had just met a couple of times and was apparently not that interested. But we felt like we should stop by her house one night even though it was already 8:45pm and we probably could have just gone home. But she actually answered the door (which hardly ever happens in Laie once it's that late) and was happy to talk to us! We invited her and her family to come to Christmas Lagoon (her son is actually a recent convert, but he went less active soon after he was baptized). And automatically she said she would love to come! So on Thursday night, all three of them showed up!! We had to stand in line for an hour, which was actually a really good thing because we got to spend that time getting to know them and building a relationship of trust. And then they LOVED the presentations, and I think they could really feel the Spirit. Then afterwards, she invited us to come back to their home!! They were a lot of simple miracles, but miracles nonetheless! 

Okay well I love you all soooo much!!!!! I think about you and pray about you always!

Much much aloha,
Sister Sabey

1: merry Christmas!!!
2: My lovely Sister Chang! <3 
3: Christmas Lagoon!

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