shabby blog

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Jan 20, 2015 - Muy buenos dias!!!

Hola mi familia!!! 
This week was so awesome! I don't have time to write a lot today here are some highlights:
-Meeting my new companion!!! She's the best and we're pretty much best friends.... Heavenly Father definitely put us together for a reason. She is so sweet, and has such a strong testimony. I have learned so much from her already. And also it's a major plus that we always speak spanish together. Haha those spanish telenovelas (Rosalinda!!!!) really paid off!! 
-I love being back in Laie 5th ward! We met with Art again (our "eternal investigator") and he really wants to be baptized. He still feels like he's not ready right now... but he is. And he'll realize that hopefully very soon. He actually told us that his goal was to get sealed to his family in the temple (because they're all members already). 
-Mosiah 4:11-12, my favorite scripture. 

Well as it turns out I only have time for two highlights...... but I will email you more next week I promise!!! Thank you for being the best! I love you all so much and pray for you every day. 
<3, sister sabey

1: This is my lovely companion, Hermana Castaneda!

2. Some of my best sister-friends. :) (Sister Merkel from Germany, Sister Andre from Cali, Sister Qiu from China, and Sisters Latu and Kaufusi from Utah:)

3. Pearl Harbor service project (#onlyinhawaii) :)

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