shabby blog

Monday, November 3, 2014


First things first......... THANK YOU so very much for the happy birthdays!!!!! FACT: I have the best family and friends in the entire world. Thanks for always making me feel loved! <3

Today Sister Na and I were in charge of presenting the training in our weekly VC training meeting. Last year on my birthday I taught the lesson in Relief Society, haha. I think Heavenly Father knows that we're happiest when we're sharing our testimonies with others. So there's really nothing else I'd rather be doing. :) On Sunday Sister Na and I bore our testimony in every Sacrament meeting we went to. Okay so we only went to two Sacrament meetings, but it just feels so good to bear your testimony!! I know that sometimes it is scary and seems hard, but I know that as we open our mouth, Heavenly Father puts in the words you need to say. I still get nervous about going up in front of our wards... but it's crazy how as soon as I open my mouth I'm not nervous anymore. I just feel like the Spirit is so unrestrained.. I don't think I feel like that any time other than when bearing testimony. Having that opportunity several times a day is one of the many wonderful blessings of being a missionary. :)

In other news, this week has been super fun! On Saturday BYUH had their annual "Food Fest," where people from all the different cultures set up a tent and sell it around the flag circle in the front of campus. And considering that people come to this school from over 70 different nations, there was a delightful variety of fanciful food to partake of!!! That's one of my favorite parts about serving on campus, there's SO much diversity. 

Sorry I don't have a lot of time today! I'll write more next week. :) Thank you for being so supportive and kind! I hope you have a wonderful week! Aloha nui loa!!!
<3, Sister Sabey

1: Laie Zone on Halloween (I dressed up as Sister Chang, one of the lovely Chinese sisters here (by wearing her name tag) :)
2: Sister Na and I after our temple trip :)
3: At the Taiwan tent at Food Fest :)

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