shabby blog

Monday, November 10, 2014

Nov. 10- 기적 = miracles (in Korean)

Aloah my lovely humans!!
Thank you for always sending wonderful emails, I'm so grateful to hear about your lives. :) I hope everyone is doing well and had a happy week!

    Picture- exchanges with Sister Kil (also Korean<3) 

Oh, and the word of the day today is in Korean, because my companion is Korean and I love Koreans. <3 It means "miracles."   기적 = miracles

-MIRACLE: So remember way back to my first transfer, I told you about a girl named Jess?? If not, here;s the story. Sister Kim and I met her my very first transfer, out by the temple. She was just sitting on a bench pondering and writing goals, so Sister Kim and I stopped to talk with her. We realized that she was really struggling and searching for direction in her life, so we shared a scripture with her. We also felt prompted to ask about if she'd thought about serving a mission. She was kind of less-active at the time and had a lot of crazy things going on in her life, so she didn't want to seriously consider it. But she couldn't stop thinking about it, so she asked for a blessing, prayed a LOT, and then we didn't see her until a couple of days later. Then she came back into the VC and said "Sisters, I got an answer! I'm going on a mission!!!" So that night she started working on her papers, it's been a crazy process for her. I've been able to keep in contact with her through the phone and emails, which has been a delight. Anyway, long story short, she's finally leaving for her mission this week!!! She's going to the Minnesota Minneapolis Mission, she reports to the MTC on Wednesday!! I'm sooo happy for her. It's crazy to picture her sitting outside the temple feeling so lost, and to see where she is now. She has so much faith! 

Oh and ps if you want to stalk her blog it's :) 

Well that's all I have time for today, but I love you all sooo much!!!!
Aloha Nui Loa!!!!!!
<3, sister sabey

I LOVE everything you sent me for my Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I've been using it so much this week!!! 

Thank youuuuu again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so blessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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