Hi my lovely family!!!
Well this week was just splendid!!
-So remember Daniela? :) Well we've been teaching her after baptismal lessons which has been a delight. Actually I should say she has been teaching us the lessons haha because she's AMAZING. She already knows everything and she has such a strong testimony. She has so much love for this gospel. This Sunday she gave her first talk in church! It was sooo good. It was so powerful and touching.The topic was on conversion, and she did a spectacular job. She told her conversion story and bore such a strong testimony. I really can feel that she's truly converted to this gospel! Also, she's super jealous of all the girls who grew up in the church... She wants to do Personal Progress, but she's not in YWs, so and Sister Na and I are going to do it with her! :)
-Zone conference this week! It was so good! We learned about how to become a "Preach My Gospel Missionary." It doesn't sound that exciting now that I'm writing it, but it was super exciting! I love hearing the inspired training, I feel like it's always exactly what I needed.
-In other news, it's getting pretty frigged here. Like... 70 degrees and cloudy. I have to wear a sweater or I feel like I"m going to get hypothermia. Okay it's not that bad but WOW I have really acclimated!! I kind of love that it never gets genuinely cold (even though it feels cold to me). {**Sorry Kami and friends in colder places than me...... I'll pray for your warmth.}
THE CHURCH IS TRUE! God lives, and He sent Jesus Christ so that we can live with Him again someday. This is a perfect gospel, and it will always lead us to happiness. Read the Book of Mormon every day. It has a special power that NO other book on earth has!! It is the word of God, that he wrote for us, today, right now. It will teach us how to change and be happy. I know that is true!! Really, read the Book of Mormon every day! And I promise that if you do you will have a desire to change and become more like Christ.
Sister Sabey
So last Monday we found out that one of the Elders in our mission, Elder Petter (he was my last district leader here in Laie) had to go home because they found out he had Leukemia. :( But they're starting treatments soon enough and hopefully it will get rid of the cancer completely! Anyway, we made him this giant card to send him our love.
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