shabby blog

Monday, November 24, 2014

Nov 24 - Happy Aso Fa'afetai

Aso Fa'afetai= Thanksgiving in Samoan :) 

Well this week was simply smashing!! 
-Our zone had our temple trip last week. I am so THANKFUL that we are so close to a temple in our mission and that we're allowed to go every month. It's such a blessing! We have experiences in the temple that we can't have anywhere else on this earth. 

-We got a new investigator this week!!! Remember Nick, the Chinese man who's door we accidentally knocked on who happened to be a non-member who had never met missionaries before who wanted to learn more? Well we couldn't really teach him since he was living alone and we're sisters.... But his wife came from China and is living with him now! We stopped by and got to talk to her and she wants to learn more too!! Her name is Mango. Well her real name is Liu Ching Ching, but Nick named her Mango since it's easier for everyone to say and because she loves mangos haha. So yeah we're super excited to start teaching them together! 

-This week we met famous people! David Archuleta (<3) and Stuart Edge (Mom and Dad you probably don't know who he is but look him up on YouTube.. he does all the funny BYU pranks:) They came here to judge a video project for BYUH students, but they also did a fireside that we got to go to. We got to meet David afterwards, and we took Stuart on a tour of the VC. It was awesome!! 

-The church is putting out a Christmas video this week called "He is the Gift." It's going to be awesome!!! Since last time they put out a huge video for Easter (Because of Him) they had a HUGE increase of people coming to chat on SO! This week all the VC sisters here get to be "online sisters" and take chats!! So that's coming out in a couple of days, go to to watch it! And share it with everyone! 

-Fun fact: I LOVE being a missionary. Seriously, I want to be like this my whole life! I feel like this is the perfect time in my mission... I'm not so new that I'm confused all the time, but I'm still new enough that I don't feel like it's coming to a close any time soon. We were asked spontaneously to bear our testimony three times this Sunday in three different wards... and the weird thing is that I love it! That can only be because this gospel is TRUE. We are happy when we are sharing it with others, because we're giving them the opportunity to experience lasting happiness. 

Well, thank you for all being wonderful and kind and inspirational. I love reading your emails and I'm so grateful to have such loving family and friends. 
Have a happy thanksgiving!!
<3, Sister Sabey

1. "If the Savior Stood Beside Me"
2. Self-explanitory
3. Sis Na & I matching (and the beginning of Christmas decorating!)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Nov 17 - Aloha :)

Hi my lovely family!!!

Well this week was just splendid!! 
-So remember Daniela? :) Well we've been teaching her after baptismal lessons which has been a delight. Actually I should say she has been teaching us the lessons haha because she's AMAZING. She already knows everything and she has such a strong testimony. She has so much love for this gospel. This Sunday she gave her first talk in church! It was sooo good. It was so powerful and touching.The topic was on conversion, and she did a spectacular job. She told her conversion story and bore such a strong testimony.  I really can feel that she's truly converted to this gospel! Also, she's super jealous of all the girls who grew up in the church... She wants to do Personal Progress, but she's not in YWs, so and Sister Na and I are going to do it with her! :)
-Zone conference this week! It was so good! We learned about how to become a "Preach My Gospel Missionary." It doesn't sound that exciting now that I'm writing it, but it was super exciting! I love hearing the inspired training, I feel like it's always exactly what I needed. 
-In other news, it's getting pretty frigged here. Like... 70 degrees and cloudy. I have to wear a sweater or I feel like I"m going to get hypothermia. Okay it's not that bad but WOW I have really acclimated!! I kind of love that it never gets genuinely cold (even though it feels cold to me). {**Sorry Kami and friends in colder places than me...... I'll pray for your warmth.}

THE CHURCH IS TRUE! God lives, and He sent Jesus Christ so that we can live with Him again someday. This is a perfect gospel, and it will always lead us to happiness. Read the Book of Mormon every day. It has a special power that NO other book on earth has!! It is the word of God, that he wrote for us, today, right now. It will teach us how to change and be happy. I know that is true!! Really, read the Book of Mormon every day! And I promise that if you do you will have a desire to change and become more like Christ. 

Sister Sabey 


So last Monday we found out that one of the Elders in our mission, Elder Petter (he was my last district leader here in Laie) had to go home because they found out he had Leukemia. :( But they're starting treatments soon enough and hopefully it will get rid of the cancer completely! Anyway, we made him this giant card to send him our love. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Nov. 10- 기적 = miracles (in Korean)

Aloah my lovely humans!!
Thank you for always sending wonderful emails, I'm so grateful to hear about your lives. :) I hope everyone is doing well and had a happy week!

    Picture- exchanges with Sister Kil (also Korean<3) 

Oh, and the word of the day today is in Korean, because my companion is Korean and I love Koreans. <3 It means "miracles."   기적 = miracles

-MIRACLE: So remember way back to my first transfer, I told you about a girl named Jess?? If not, here;s the story. Sister Kim and I met her my very first transfer, out by the temple. She was just sitting on a bench pondering and writing goals, so Sister Kim and I stopped to talk with her. We realized that she was really struggling and searching for direction in her life, so we shared a scripture with her. We also felt prompted to ask about if she'd thought about serving a mission. She was kind of less-active at the time and had a lot of crazy things going on in her life, so she didn't want to seriously consider it. But she couldn't stop thinking about it, so she asked for a blessing, prayed a LOT, and then we didn't see her until a couple of days later. Then she came back into the VC and said "Sisters, I got an answer! I'm going on a mission!!!" So that night she started working on her papers, it's been a crazy process for her. I've been able to keep in contact with her through the phone and emails, which has been a delight. Anyway, long story short, she's finally leaving for her mission this week!!! She's going to the Minnesota Minneapolis Mission, she reports to the MTC on Wednesday!! I'm sooo happy for her. It's crazy to picture her sitting outside the temple feeling so lost, and to see where she is now. She has so much faith! 

Oh and ps if you want to stalk her blog it's :) 

Well that's all I have time for today, but I love you all sooo much!!!!
Aloha Nui Loa!!!!!!
<3, sister sabey

I LOVE everything you sent me for my Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I've been using it so much this week!!! 

Thank youuuuu again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so blessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Monday, November 3, 2014


First things first......... THANK YOU so very much for the happy birthdays!!!!! FACT: I have the best family and friends in the entire world. Thanks for always making me feel loved! <3

Today Sister Na and I were in charge of presenting the training in our weekly VC training meeting. Last year on my birthday I taught the lesson in Relief Society, haha. I think Heavenly Father knows that we're happiest when we're sharing our testimonies with others. So there's really nothing else I'd rather be doing. :) On Sunday Sister Na and I bore our testimony in every Sacrament meeting we went to. Okay so we only went to two Sacrament meetings, but it just feels so good to bear your testimony!! I know that sometimes it is scary and seems hard, but I know that as we open our mouth, Heavenly Father puts in the words you need to say. I still get nervous about going up in front of our wards... but it's crazy how as soon as I open my mouth I'm not nervous anymore. I just feel like the Spirit is so unrestrained.. I don't think I feel like that any time other than when bearing testimony. Having that opportunity several times a day is one of the many wonderful blessings of being a missionary. :)

In other news, this week has been super fun! On Saturday BYUH had their annual "Food Fest," where people from all the different cultures set up a tent and sell it around the flag circle in the front of campus. And considering that people come to this school from over 70 different nations, there was a delightful variety of fanciful food to partake of!!! That's one of my favorite parts about serving on campus, there's SO much diversity. 

Sorry I don't have a lot of time today! I'll write more next week. :) Thank you for being so supportive and kind! I hope you have a wonderful week! Aloha nui loa!!!
<3, Sister Sabey

1: Laie Zone on Halloween (I dressed up as Sister Chang, one of the lovely Chinese sisters here (by wearing her name tag) :)
2: Sister Na and I after our temple trip :)
3: At the Taiwan tent at Food Fest :)