shabby blog

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March 3, 2015- Good Stuff :)

Aloha everyone! 

I hope everyone is doing well :)

This week was simply smashing! Here are some highlights...

-The AC is back. :)
-Last Thursday we had a four hour training from Brother Lusvardi, he's the guy in Salt Lake who's in charge of all the Visitors' Centers and Church History Sites. And it was soo good. :) He actually dressed in his tourist clothes for a few days before the training, and took our tram tour, took tours inside the VC, and pretty much watched us from the bushes to see what we are doing well and what we need to improve on. Haha he observed a lot, and it was all really helpful! He told one super inspirational story I want to share with you...
.. So once upon a time Brother Lusvardi and his family decided to go to Olive Garden for dinner. Once they were seated, an older waitress named Julia (it's Spanish so pronounce hulia:) came out to help their table, but instead of taking their order she took their menus away and said "I bring you the food!" They were kind of confused but they waited, and after a while she brought out a huge salad, and dished up a big plate for each of them. Then she said, "It's beautiful, no? Eat!" It looked just like everyone else's salad, but it was beautiful for a salad. So they ate, and then after a while she brought out more salad. They were kind of confused why they were just eating salad, but it didn't really bother them because each time Julia brought something out, she talked with them. They started getting to know each other very well, and the family could feel how much Julia really cared about them. After they left, that was the only place their family ever wanted to go again... not because they particularly loved Julia's salads, but because they became so close with Julia. She became like family to them. They became so close, that if they didn't come to the Olive Garden restaurant she would call them just to make sure they were doing okay. She called them when someone had a birthday, and would sing happy birthday to them. She was just a waitress, and all she had to offer the family was salad... but their lives were changed because of this true friend they made that day at Olive Garden. She had a love for them that is more than what is required of a waitress at a restaurant. All she had to offer was a salad, yet she loved and cared about them so much and made sure they could feel her love. As missionaries and members of the Church, we have so much more to offer people than salad. We have the gospel of Jesus Christ- we have what people need for eternal life and happiness. But they are never going to care what we have to show them if we don't first show them how much we care. The most important thing we can do is to help others feel the LOVE of Christ through us. I know that as we show others our love, they will feel the love Christ has for them. When they feel of the love in our hearts, they will want to come unto Christ, and they will want to know Him too.

Well, this email has become massive, my apologies!!! Moral of the story: the gospel is better than salad but no one cares about that unless we show them our love. :)

I LOVE you all so very much!!!!! Thank you for your wonderful examples and kindness!
<3, Sister Sabey

1- transferly picture... sorry you probably get sick of getting this every 6 weeks

2- dinner with one of our lovely members Sis. Lautaha!

3- sometimes I think we don't get fed enough..... :)

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