shabby blog

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March 10, 2015 - This is the Life :)

My dearest ohana!
How is everyone doing? It's so good to hear from you, I love being able to hear your wonderful stories and miracles and life updates. You all make me so happy :)

So this week has been nothing short of spectacular! 
Our stake has been doing this thing for a few months now, where in EVERY prayer we include asking for the Spirit to be poured out upon every individual living in this area. So, for the past few months in every blessing, personal prayer, companionship prayer, and all the prayers in between, we have been asking for that blessing. And you know what, miracles are happening! 

One family who has been less-active since I was in this area a year ago is starting to come to church every week, read scriptures and pray as a family. They're even going to the temple now! They sign up on our dinner calendar twice a week, so we get to spend a looot of time with them. It has been amazing to see how much they have grown!! It wasn't an immediate change, but over time, I know the Spirit was poured out upon them and helped their hearts soften and change. All those prayers really do make a difference. I know Heavenly Father is listening! I know this story sounds kind of simple... but something along these lines has happened to several families in our area since we have started saying these prayers as a stake, and it makes me so HAPPY. 

Prayer WORKS. We don't always know enough, and we can't always do very much for the people we love... but Heavenly Father knows everything. He makes all the difference. And He will, if we ask Him in faith. 

Well I love you all lots! Sorry I don't have a ton to update you on today! Have a happy happy week!!! 
<3, Sister Sabey

1- Today we played ping-pong with one of our tram drivers Samita from Samoa! (ahem and in case you were wondering I beat him...:) 

2- Sister Rose in her natural habitat.. Her and Elder Rose (one of our senior couples at the VC) are finishing their missions this week... they will be very missed!!! 

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