shabby blog

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 30, 2015 - Mission Pictures-

Hi, I'm Sage

March 31, 2015 He is RISEN :)

Happy April (fools:), happy General Conference weekend, and happy Easter!!! 

This week was just lovely! Sorry I don't have too much time so here are some highlights...
-Zone temple trip. There's no word I can think of to describe the temple except heavenly. It is a place of beauty and peace, I feel so blessed we have temples to go to :) 
-On Sunday our District had a musical fireside. We invited a bunch of amazing and talented people to sing, and then as a district we sang "Come Unto Christ," the efy song and theme for last year. There was such a powerful spirit there, and it reminded me of my purpose to invite others to come unto Christ. But that is not just my purpose, it is all of our purposes, whether we are set apart missionaries or not. We are so blessed to have this knowledge of the gospel, and to know that Christ lives! Speaking of which, if anyone hasn't seen the new video Becasue He Lives, watch it :) I know Christ is always here... when we seek Him, we find Him. We find Him when we reach out to others in selfless service. We find Him when we think of Him always, just as we promise to do every week when we take the Sacrament. We find Him when we strive to become like Him. That is the most hopeful phrase to me, He is risen! He lives today, right now, and He can always be with us. F I N D  H I M. 

Okay here are some answers to your questions...
1. Sister Castaneda is from El Salvador! But it's kind of confusing because she was born there and lived there till she was 10, then moved to Costa Rica, then moved to Spain, then to New York City, then Washington DC where her mom is now. But she always goes back to El Salvador because all her older siblings are still there. She's the youngest, and she just moves around with her mom. Also, in case you were wondering I love her to death!!!!! :) 
2. Fernando has been out of town for the past two weeks in New Zealand... He just got back but we will have a lesson with him either tonight or tomorrow! And we haven't seen Ann again this week, but we'll keep trying! We do have one other investigator, he's actually an RM... but went super less-active and is now trying to come back. And he made a goal to come to church every sunday this year, and he's kept it! Even when he's traveling out of the country! Which for him is a huge step, so we're really excited. His name is Carah. He's going to SLC for conference too, maybe you'll see him and not even know it! :) 

Well dear friends, I love you! Enjoy conference. Spiritual Thanksgiving feast on Easter day. How special :) 

With much love,
Sister Sabey

ps. if you feel like watching the best mormon message ever, here it is. 

1- the temple at night <3

2- we dyed easter eggs today!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Mar 24, 2015 - "I LOVE JESUS!!!"

Aloha my lovely ohana!! I hope everyone had a wonderful week :) 

One of this week's highlights: 
This cute little Mormon family came into the Visitors' Center one night with three little kids. The kids had never seen the Christus statue before or heard the narration that goes along with it. So we introduced it and then played it for them. Afterwards we were talking to them about how they liked it, and then we bore our testimonies of Jesus Christ. Then one of the little boys, probably about four years old, said, "Wait, are you two saying talks right now???" His parents clarified that he just gave his first talk in primary that last week and loved it. Then he said, "Can I say a talk too??" So we told him of course! With a huge smile on his face, he walked right up to the base of the statue and turned around and yelled "I LOVE JESUS!!!" loud enough for the whole Visitors' Center to hear, and then ran back to his seat. So cute. :) I think there is a lesson we can all learn from him.... how eager and willing this sweet boy was to share his testimony and his love for his Savior. Our testimonies don't have to be long or eloquent or full of fancy words. They just have to be heartfelt and genuine. If we really love Christ, people will feel it. They will want to know Christ too because we know Him. 

In other news....
-We saw Ann again this week! She's the non-member we found tracting the edge of Laie who no one knew about. She was actually really happy to see us this time, which was a nice contrast from last time. :) She really opened up to us about some struggles she is having, and was eager to hear the message we wanted to share with her. I think Heavenly Father is definitely preparing her to receive the gospel. So I'll keep you updated on that. :) 
-Remember that one time 8 months ago when I told you the grounds of the VC were going to be closed for construction until January? Well welcome to aloha time, they are now FINISHED AND BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!! :):):) 

Well everyone, make it a great week!! Christ lives! This is His church, and it is TRUE. 

<3, Sister Sabey


1- The work is done!!  The construction on the grounds is finally finished!

2- It was prom week..... Things got a little crazy haha

3- Papa Ole's... everyone's fav Hawaiian food restaurant...

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

March 17, 2015 - Ha'uki Sione

aLoHa eveyone!! 
This week was just splendid! As always, full of miracles and tender mercies.
-On Friday night Bishop Logan called us and asked us if we would speak on Sunday! We were the only two adult speakers, so we had to make it long :) But it was a wonderful experience, I love having more opportunities to share my testimony, especially with the whole ward at the same time. It's definitely true that when we have to give a talk/lesson on something, we usually learn the most from it. 
-There's this wonderful song in the hymn book called Israel Israel God is Calling. Numero 7. It's my favorite. One of my favorite couples I met when I was serving on BYUH campus made me a wonderful CD with this song on it sung in Tongan! In Tongan it's Ha'uki Sione. My favorite verse...

. Israel, Israel, God is speaking.
Hear your great Deliv'rer's voice!
Now a glorious morn is breaking
For the people of his choice.
Come to Zion, come to Zion,
And within her walls rejoice.
Come to Zion, come to Zion,
And within her walls rejoice.
I love this! I know that God speaks to us. The Spirit is very sensitive, so we have to make sure we are in the right place and mindset to be able to hear His voice. He is always inviting us to "come," never to go away. We are here at this particular place in this particular time because we are His choice people. And when we come unto Him, we are happy! We rejoice! 

So, be happy this week. Read your scriptures. Pray always. Pray meaningful prayers. Serve those around you. And within her walls rejoice!

I love you all soooo much!!
Sister Sabey

1- I'm addicted to pupusas. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

2- Our district... our name is #fajitanation (Our district leader's name is Elder Faitau, but when president first met him he thought his name was Elder Fajita, hence our name)

3- I saw a whale!!! 

Monday, March 16, 2015

March 16, 2015 - Member Letter

I received this letter from a member of Sis. Sabey's ward in Hawaii:


I got your email address from your daughter, Sister Sabey.  She is serving in our ward here in La'ie.  I just wanted to tell you what a great missionary she is.  She has had a great impact on our family.  She gave a talk in church today that was so heartfelt, and she really spoke with the Spirit.  She looked like an angel up there.  Every Sunday night we go to the Visitor's Center with our four young kids.  Sister Sabey takes the time every Sunday to sit with my eight-year-old daughter for about 20 minutes and just talk.  The influence she has had on my daughter is and will continue to be great.  She radiates a spirit of love to all who meet her.  We love all of the sister missionaries, but there is something super special about your daughter.  Thank you for raising such an angel.  She will forever have a special place in our family's hearts.  

With love,

My Reply to her:

Dear J,
 Thank you so so much for your wonderful letter to me about Sis. Sabey!  That was so sweet and kind of you to think of writing me, and it made me so happy to hear she is helping people and touching their hearts!  I know she loves her mission so much, and it is because she gets to interact with wonderful people like you and your family.  What a wonderful thing that you visit the Visitor's Center each week!  I'm sure she loves seeing you there regularly, and I think you are so wise to take your children there so often.  

I would like to tell you a story about Sis. Sabey.  Our family visited the Laie Visitor's Center about 7 years ago while vacationing in Hawaii, and Sage (Sis. Sabey) was able to talk to the sister missionaries that were serving there at the time for quite a while as they showed us around.  I know she was in awe of them and looked up to them as well.  Sage has always wanted to serve a mission, and knowing this, as we were saying goodbye to the sisters and leaving the grounds, I looked at her and said "That could be you someday!"  Little did I know then how that would be the very mission she would be called to!  I feel like the blessings are coming full circle.  My hope has been that my daughter's service will inspire those she comes in contact with, to love and serve the Lord through her example and love of the gospel. I am grateful that she has been inspired by others, and what a blessing it is for me to hear that she able to return the favor to those she associates with, so thank you for sharing your thoughts about her!  It means so much to me!

Much love,

Sheri Sabey

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March 10, 2015 - This is the Life :)

My dearest ohana!
How is everyone doing? It's so good to hear from you, I love being able to hear your wonderful stories and miracles and life updates. You all make me so happy :)

So this week has been nothing short of spectacular! 
Our stake has been doing this thing for a few months now, where in EVERY prayer we include asking for the Spirit to be poured out upon every individual living in this area. So, for the past few months in every blessing, personal prayer, companionship prayer, and all the prayers in between, we have been asking for that blessing. And you know what, miracles are happening! 

One family who has been less-active since I was in this area a year ago is starting to come to church every week, read scriptures and pray as a family. They're even going to the temple now! They sign up on our dinner calendar twice a week, so we get to spend a looot of time with them. It has been amazing to see how much they have grown!! It wasn't an immediate change, but over time, I know the Spirit was poured out upon them and helped their hearts soften and change. All those prayers really do make a difference. I know Heavenly Father is listening! I know this story sounds kind of simple... but something along these lines has happened to several families in our area since we have started saying these prayers as a stake, and it makes me so HAPPY. 

Prayer WORKS. We don't always know enough, and we can't always do very much for the people we love... but Heavenly Father knows everything. He makes all the difference. And He will, if we ask Him in faith. 

Well I love you all lots! Sorry I don't have a ton to update you on today! Have a happy happy week!!! 
<3, Sister Sabey

1- Today we played ping-pong with one of our tram drivers Samita from Samoa! (ahem and in case you were wondering I beat him...:) 

2- Sister Rose in her natural habitat.. Her and Elder Rose (one of our senior couples at the VC) are finishing their missions this week... they will be very missed!!! 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March 3, 2015- Good Stuff :)

Aloha everyone! 

I hope everyone is doing well :)

This week was simply smashing! Here are some highlights...

-The AC is back. :)
-Last Thursday we had a four hour training from Brother Lusvardi, he's the guy in Salt Lake who's in charge of all the Visitors' Centers and Church History Sites. And it was soo good. :) He actually dressed in his tourist clothes for a few days before the training, and took our tram tour, took tours inside the VC, and pretty much watched us from the bushes to see what we are doing well and what we need to improve on. Haha he observed a lot, and it was all really helpful! He told one super inspirational story I want to share with you...
.. So once upon a time Brother Lusvardi and his family decided to go to Olive Garden for dinner. Once they were seated, an older waitress named Julia (it's Spanish so pronounce hulia:) came out to help their table, but instead of taking their order she took their menus away and said "I bring you the food!" They were kind of confused but they waited, and after a while she brought out a huge salad, and dished up a big plate for each of them. Then she said, "It's beautiful, no? Eat!" It looked just like everyone else's salad, but it was beautiful for a salad. So they ate, and then after a while she brought out more salad. They were kind of confused why they were just eating salad, but it didn't really bother them because each time Julia brought something out, she talked with them. They started getting to know each other very well, and the family could feel how much Julia really cared about them. After they left, that was the only place their family ever wanted to go again... not because they particularly loved Julia's salads, but because they became so close with Julia. She became like family to them. They became so close, that if they didn't come to the Olive Garden restaurant she would call them just to make sure they were doing okay. She called them when someone had a birthday, and would sing happy birthday to them. She was just a waitress, and all she had to offer the family was salad... but their lives were changed because of this true friend they made that day at Olive Garden. She had a love for them that is more than what is required of a waitress at a restaurant. All she had to offer was a salad, yet she loved and cared about them so much and made sure they could feel her love. As missionaries and members of the Church, we have so much more to offer people than salad. We have the gospel of Jesus Christ- we have what people need for eternal life and happiness. But they are never going to care what we have to show them if we don't first show them how much we care. The most important thing we can do is to help others feel the LOVE of Christ through us. I know that as we show others our love, they will feel the love Christ has for them. When they feel of the love in our hearts, they will want to come unto Christ, and they will want to know Him too.

Well, this email has become massive, my apologies!!! Moral of the story: the gospel is better than salad but no one cares about that unless we show them our love. :)

I LOVE you all so very much!!!!! Thank you for your wonderful examples and kindness!
<3, Sister Sabey

1- transferly picture... sorry you probably get sick of getting this every 6 weeks

2- dinner with one of our lovely members Sis. Lautaha!

3- sometimes I think we don't get fed enough..... :)