shabby blog

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014 - Alooooha!

Hi everyone!

Ah, this week has been fantastic! So many happy things, I can't even say them all. 

So there's this mission rule for the VC sisters that we're not allowed to play instruments except for on P-day, unless we're preparing for a musical number. And let me tell you, that rule tests me every day when I see my beautiful ukulele just sitting there. So last week Elder Priday announced a that we're having a musical fireside where some sisters would perform. Of course I volunteered myself and all of my padmates to do a number! Totally disregarded the fact that none of us really have musical talent. I just couldn't help myself, I wanted to play my uke! And they all bought their ukes about two weeks ago at the PCC. Anyway. So every night this week we've been practicing! It was a struggle sometimes. But it was super fun. It was out of everyone's comfort zone, and sometimes they were like "why the heck did you sign me up for this?!" haha. But the fireside was last night and it went so well!! I think everyone liked it. :) We sang and played Did You Think To Pray. The moral of the story: doing things that are out of your comfort zone are FUN and never as bad as you think. :) 

The work in our area is doing so well!! Even though we don't really have any investigators, this ward is progressing so much. We mostly work with less-actives, and I know all of them in our ward super well since I've been here for four months. There have been so many miracles with them. Especially looking back from when I first got here, there have been some huge changes with the people! One young family we've been working with is about to go through the temple and be sealed with their little five-year-old girl! They read their scriptures and pray and go to church and are just so strong spiritually. When I first got here they were struggling a lot, and seeing where they are now makes me SO happy!! It really does bring so much joy seeing people turn to Christ and change their lives. (That rhymed, unintentional). And one older lady hasn't come to church in a looooooooong time, and just this past month she's returned fully and hasn't missed one week! She even brings her 98 year old less-active mom, which is a miracle in itself I think. There are just so many people returning to full activity. The Spirit has been touching their hearts, and it's amazing to see the difference it makes! I have learned to never give up on anyone, no matter what. It's really easy to just say "oh they'll never change." But that is what Satan wants us to think!! The Celestial Kingdom has enough room for everyone. There is no such thing as being too far off the path to come back. 

My lovely friend Ellen just sent this scripture to me, and it's perfect! Pretty much sums up  exactly how I have been feeling. 
"And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember what the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me." -Alma 29:10

So! How is your missionary work going? How is your personal conversion going? Missionary work really starts with yourself. I just want to invite you to honestly evaluate yourself spiritually, and then make any changes that may be necessary to be where you want to be! I know that you can become exactly who you want to become, you just have to decide to start. Heavenly Father will help you as you do those little things every day that bring us closer to Christ. 

Thank you all for being wonderful!! I pray for you every day and I love you so much! 


1: us playing our ukes at the fireside last night!
2: me and my wonderful companion sister richardson!!
3: our members just got some adorable kittens. #kittenlove #sowhatimacatperson

:)  love you!

Sister Sabey

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