shabby blog

Monday, June 16, 2014

June 16 - Hola!

Aloha ohana!

So this week has been pretty lovely!! Just some highlights...

-Tons of our less-active families are coming to church now every week!!! It's amazing. I know I already told you that last week, but even more are starting to come back! Every week more and more come. Even our non-members are beginning to be fully active in the church haha. This ward is just rocking. 

-In the past month, four of our non-members have moved away. Do you know what that leaves us with? No one to teach except less actives.... and considering my last bullet..... not tons of work for us to do. I'm happy everyone is doing so well though. That also must mean Heavenly Father is preparing something wonderful in store for this area right?! 

-We got to go to the temple on Friday!!! Ah, I'm so lucky to be serving where there's a temple close by. It's the biggest blessing. 

Anyway let's get down to business... We have transfers this Wednesday, and guess what?!? I'm getting transferred out of Laie!!!!! I'M GOING FULL FIELD!!!!  To Waipahu! Yahoo! It's on Oahu, on the opposite side of the island compared to where I am now. I'm pretty excited!! But wait there's more! I'm going to be in a tripanionship. (I'm a little bit freaking out about that because I've heard how hard tri-pans are.... but apparently Heavenly Father thinks I can handle it or something.) But I'm super excited!!! I only get this for two transfers of my whole mission, so I'm ready to live it up!!! 

OH, and cool thing about Waipahu. One time at the VC this AWESOME Colombian family came on tram tour. It was probably my favorite tour ever. While they were here they absolutely loved it... I've never seen someone react so positively to the church before. It was amazing. And they filled out their information and started meeting with the missionaries!! I have been teaching and keeping in contact with them through the phone and all that jazz.  The best part about it is that they live in Pearl City, which is part of the Waipahu zone, so I might get to teach them!!!!!! 

Anyway, this will be an adventure! I haven't been anywhere new on my mission yet, so I'm excited and nervous! It's good to shake things up though. :) I'll don't really know what to expect so I guess I'll just have to tell you all about it next week!   

I LOVE you all!!!!!!! 
<3, Sister Sabey

1. transfer news! (Sister Jenkins (my MTC comp!) is going to Maui!!
2. my district in Laie.
3. cute little centipede. gotta love em. 
4. sunset. :)

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