shabby blog

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Feb 3, 2015 - I’m a little concerned about your slavation and stuff...


How is everyone doing? Thanks for all your emails always, I love hearing from all of you!! Thank you for being awesome and inspirational! 
This week was pretty lovely! Lots of little miracles every day....

The sweetest family from China came into the Visitors' Center this week. At the time, there wasn't anyone else on shift with us who spoke Chinese, and the family spoke like three words of English. Since we couldn't really say much to them, we just took them to the Book of Mormon table, and showed them the Mandarin Book of Mormon. One of the boys, probably 15 years old, picked it up and started reading it. As he read, his face just lit up, and he said "I like this book! I like this book!" He was trying to say more but didn't know how to, so he pulled out his phone and started typing on a translator app, and talking to us through that. He said "I catholic, but I like THIS book." So we gave him his own copy, and he was thrilled. Then he translated "I know Latin song about Jesus, want me sing it to you?" We said yes, and he just broke out into singing this beautiful Latin song about Jesus right there in the middle of the VC. It was the cutest thing ever. It's amazing how much reading just a couple verses of the Book of Mormon touched him. Later we were able to call a Chinese speaking sister to come, and she talked to the whole family for a while, and they all left their information with her and became new investigators. Seriously people from China are some of the most soft-hearted people I have ever met. 

We also had our first lesson with Fernando! And it went really well! Fernando is so SWEET. It's still such a miracle that we have someone to teach in Laie who is a blank slate... He has a Christian background, but really doesn't know much about this gospel, and it's so fun to have a real first lesson. That was my first time teaching that to someone in this community who hadn't heard it before. And Hermana Castaneda did so great, she's an awesome teacher and missionary. :) We invited him to be baptized, and he said he wants to think about it and pray about it, because he wants to do it will all his heart. I love that answer because I know that when he prays about it his answer will be yes! So I'll keep you posted. :) 

In other news...
2. The Church is true.
3. I love you with all my heart! 

<3<3<3 With much aloha,
Sister Sabey

So it's possible that my camera is still dead.. so today is #tbt! (dad that means throwback tuesday) 
1.Me and my trainer, with Sister Jenkins and her trainer, almost exactly one year ago. 

POG- sometimes we drink a lot of this. 

Another Picture with my old Companions!

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