shabby blog

Monday, August 11, 2014

Aug 11 - We survived the Hurricane!!!

Yes, I'm alive. :) We found out about the hurricane on Monday, and that's all anyone would talk about all week. All the large supplies of water was sold out at Walmart, and bottled water was selling for 7 dollars a bottle, everyone's windows were taped...... but alas! It was just windy and rainy. It got the Big Island worse than Oahu, they got some flooding over there. But other than that everyone is good! President told everyone to stay in our pads on Friday..... but that it was also up to our own judgement..... so Sister Haws and I went out anyway. And it was DIVINE because everyone was home!!!!! School and work was canceled for almost everyone, so it was a huge blessing being able to actually catch people at home! We could use some hurricanes more often! 

Jonah is doing soooo well!! He's still sticking to his plan to quit smoking... and he's doing so good. His faith is growing every day. I hope I'm here for a third transfer, because they I can see him get baptized! But we'll see what happens! 

Fun fact:
-We started teaching a lady named Mama Netta. She's a hilarious black woman, who also happens to be the mother of NFL player Ashley Lelei! I know like 4 things total about football, but apparently he's famous or something? Anyway. She's awesome. She mah home gurl. hahaa.

So, miracle!! The other day we got a call from a lady who lives in Laie. She said she has friends who live in our area who have been coming to church with them in Laie for the past two months! They're a couple named Melanie and Nolan. They are super interested in the church.... they've been reading the Book of Mormon (they're already in Alma!), they read the Ensign every month, and they already live the standards. Anyway, they came to church in our ward last Sunday, so we got to meet them and set up appointments! We have been praying to find people who are prepared in this area, and it is happening! It makes me think of what the Lord says in 2 Nephi 27:21 "I am able to do mine own work." It's so true.... this is HIS work, and HE is preparing these people! I just feel so blessed that He's allowing me to take a small part in witnessing it. 

Anyway, I love you dear family!!! 
Much aloha!!
<3 sister sabey

PS...Good news, I learned how to kill cockroaches! All by myself. It's been a major step up in life. I hope you're doing well! don't melt!!!

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