shabby blog

Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21, 2014 - Ahona!

Hola familia!!!

This week has been spectacular! Highlights.. 

-On Wednesday we got to do service at Pearl Harbor! That was fun because I've never been there as a tourist, but I've always wanted to. We cleaned the Missouri battleship. Then the guy in charge of the volunteers gave us a free tour! So that was super fun and service-y and educational. :) 

-On Thursday there was a baptism for the Marshallese ward, so we went and took Jonah with us! It was cool because the whole thing was in Marshallese, and none of us understood a word of it... but the Spirit was so strong! And I know Jonah could feel it, because he loved it and was really glad he came. He said he knows he should get baptized too. He's not totally ready yet, but I know that he will be! We still meet with him a couple times a week though, so that's good. Oh and Jonah texted US this time... saying he just wanted to remind us that he's coming to church on Sunday! Haha we were super surprised... because like I said... it usually takes hundreds of calls and texts to get him to come. And even though he's progressing slowly, we can see the change in him. It's awesome... that's my favorite thing, seeing people change because of the gospel. 

-We have been doing service every week for an investigator, cleaning out her storage unit. It's crazy... there is so. much. stuff. We just spend like three hours pulling everything out, consolidating it into bags, and then putting it all back in. Lather, rinse and repeat. Every week.  But it's actually been so good to spend that time getting to know her and talk. She has NEVER been open to talking to missionaries, even after her daughter was baptized a year ago. But ever since we've been helping her and showing our love, she is waaaay more open to learning about the gospel! 

-We had two mini-missionaries from Thursday through Sunday, so there were five of us! Seriously, miracles always happen when we have minis. We were able to get more than double the amount of work done with them, I love it! 

-The people who we live with have a dog named Cuddles. And they're out of town right now.... so really WE have a dog named Cuddles. Not super relevant to missionary work.... but it's a highlight nonetheless. :) 

And mom to answer your questions...No I won't be transferred. That's the whole point of me being in a tripan here, so that someone who already knows the area can take it over. So that's a relief, because it's always stressful anticipating what will happen the next transfer! But I will miss both of my comps for sure!! 

I'm glad to hear you're all doing well!! Thanks for writing, and know that you're always in my prayers! Love you!!!

<3, Sister Sabey


1. us and our mini-missionary from the first week!
2. cuddles and sister curtis. 

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