shabby blog

Monday, May 12, 2014

May 12, 2014 - Aloooha Everyone!


Okay first of all can I just say it was SO GOOD to talk to you all yesterday on Mothers Day?!? It made me so happy!!! Haha my companion and I were pretty much giggling all day because we were so excited. And I love hearing about your lives. I love you!!! Thank you for being the best family in the whole world. <3 

So this week has been so good!! This was the first week to be with my new companion Sister Richardson. And she's awesomeeee. I really feel so blessed with my companions..... so far they have been amazing. She has the coolest life story. She was born in Ukraine, and her parents both died when she was one, so she grew up in an orphanage. Then when she was 16 she was adopted by a family from Utah, learned English, was baptized and lived happily ever after! And now she's my companion! There's way more craziness in between those things happening, but that's just an overview. :)  She has a super spunky personality. So basically we have way too much fun together (not tooo too much fun though:). Haha she always calls me Taylor Swift... she thinks I look like her or something. Hah! That's totally not true, but whatever! I'm okay if anyone wants to think that! Haha

I was kind of nervous at the beginning of the transfer because between Sister Richardson and I, I'm the only one who knows this area. But it's been really good, not even super scary like I thought it was going to be!  The work just moves forward regardless of which missionaries are serving. I have really learned a lot though. Every day I am learning, and every day I realize even more how little I know. I have so many weaknesses and things I need to improve on, and I've felt how imperfect I am now more than ever. But I know that Heavenly Father gives me every opportunity He can to help me to grow and improve! I'm so thankful He allows such imperfect people to take part in HIS work. I read the coolest quote this week... I don't know it word for word, but it goes something like this.. "Heavenly Father gives us challenges, trials, and afflictions for one purpose only: to give us the opportunity to react by applying the teachings of Jesus Christ." I LOVE that. Seeing challenges as an opportunity rather than a burden. 

Anyway, some highlights this week...
-Obviously, talking to you for Mother's day. :)
-One of our investigators gave a talk in sacrament meeting this Sunday!!! In our ward a whole family will give the talks during a sacrament meeting, and even though he's a non-member Bishop asked him to speak anyway! Just the fact that he accepted was a miracle. 
-Four new sisters came to the Visitors Center this past transfer, which has been so fun! Everyone loves the new "babies" haha.Three of them are chinese speaking (from Hong Kong, mainland China, and Taiwan), which is always very needed here at the VC. I probably say this every week, but being around so many other sisters all the time is such a blessing. I learn so much from them every day! It's been fun to see the new incoming sisters, and remember what it was like my first few weeks. And realizing that I've learned a lot but I still have a LOT more to learn. 
-The Colombian tour I took in spanish!!! I know I already told you about it on the phone, but it was just the best. They were so prepared and ready to listen even though my espanol was un porkito (hehe) loco. 

Well I love you all an IMMENSE amount!!! Godspeed!!!
<3, Sister Sabey

Picture #1: This is Sister Kim and I when we finished the 12 weeks program! 

Picture #2: And a cool place at the PCC to buy delish haupia ice cream!

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