shabby blog

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014 - Aloooha!

Hello All!

This week has been wonderful!! It was youth conference for our stake this weekend, which was AWESOME. :) We only got to go to certain parts of it, but it was so fun. It's kind of weird because I was a youth like... a year ago.... But nonetheless! The youth are SO strong. I understand why so many Bishops put so much focus on helping the youth. Anyway. Friday through Sunday were packed with activities. So on Friday they put on this play called "Come Unto Christ." It's about all these different Book of Mormon stories, told from the perspective of two Hawaiian kids. They have been planning it and practicing it for so long, and it paid off! It was really well done and the Spirit was so strong! I just loved seeing all the youth get into it. Haha and everything had all the hawaiian lingo, and it just made me really appreciate the culture here. There really is SO much culture in this area. Anyway. At the end of the play, they showed the part in 3 Nephi when Christ came to the Americas. Obviously the person playing Christ wasn't actually Him, but as soon as He came down the Spirit was so strong, and pretty much everyone was crying. I think it just reminded everyone of the reality of our Savior. Then on Saturday there was a huge service project, which is always fun. Some of the super lucky missionaries got to help clean up on the beach! Haha we weren't one of them, but service is still fun :) On sunday night we got to listen to the testimony meeting. Holy cow it was so good. One of our recent converts (from right before I came) bore her testimony and told about her conversion story! It was so cool to hear, because I had never heard her tell it before. It really showed me that Heavenly Father had really been preparing her long before she ever met the missionaries and decided to get baptized. She had tons of friends and share the gospel, and eventually she saw that she wanted it in her life. It was so hard for her, because after she joined she lost pretty much all of her friends, and most of her family stopped talking to her. But she was okay, because she knew that this gospel is what brings lasting happiness! She is so strong. And guess what?! She just decided to go on a mission!!! She's 19 now so she is planning to go as soon as she can go through the temple! 

Anyway! Sorry I don't have a ton of time today. But can I share with you my favorite scripture this week? :) 

Okay it's 2 Nephi 31:20. 
Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life. Always remember that all things are possible through Christ! It is in Him that we find joy, even amidst trials and afflictions. As we put all of our trust in Him, and press forward, we get eternal life as our reward! Endless happiness as a reward for having faith, for the small and simple things we do daily.  So, feast on the scriptures! Endure to the end! :) You are all awesome, I love EACH of you!!! <3
Love, Sister Sabey

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