shabby blog

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014 - Aloooha!

Hello All!

This week has been wonderful!! It was youth conference for our stake this weekend, which was AWESOME. :) We only got to go to certain parts of it, but it was so fun. It's kind of weird because I was a youth like... a year ago.... But nonetheless! The youth are SO strong. I understand why so many Bishops put so much focus on helping the youth. Anyway. Friday through Sunday were packed with activities. So on Friday they put on this play called "Come Unto Christ." It's about all these different Book of Mormon stories, told from the perspective of two Hawaiian kids. They have been planning it and practicing it for so long, and it paid off! It was really well done and the Spirit was so strong! I just loved seeing all the youth get into it. Haha and everything had all the hawaiian lingo, and it just made me really appreciate the culture here. There really is SO much culture in this area. Anyway. At the end of the play, they showed the part in 3 Nephi when Christ came to the Americas. Obviously the person playing Christ wasn't actually Him, but as soon as He came down the Spirit was so strong, and pretty much everyone was crying. I think it just reminded everyone of the reality of our Savior. Then on Saturday there was a huge service project, which is always fun. Some of the super lucky missionaries got to help clean up on the beach! Haha we weren't one of them, but service is still fun :) On sunday night we got to listen to the testimony meeting. Holy cow it was so good. One of our recent converts (from right before I came) bore her testimony and told about her conversion story! It was so cool to hear, because I had never heard her tell it before. It really showed me that Heavenly Father had really been preparing her long before she ever met the missionaries and decided to get baptized. She had tons of friends and share the gospel, and eventually she saw that she wanted it in her life. It was so hard for her, because after she joined she lost pretty much all of her friends, and most of her family stopped talking to her. But she was okay, because she knew that this gospel is what brings lasting happiness! She is so strong. And guess what?! She just decided to go on a mission!!! She's 19 now so she is planning to go as soon as she can go through the temple! 

Anyway! Sorry I don't have a ton of time today. But can I share with you my favorite scripture this week? :) 

Okay it's 2 Nephi 31:20. 
Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life. Always remember that all things are possible through Christ! It is in Him that we find joy, even amidst trials and afflictions. As we put all of our trust in Him, and press forward, we get eternal life as our reward! Endless happiness as a reward for having faith, for the small and simple things we do daily.  So, feast on the scriptures! Endure to the end! :) You are all awesome, I love EACH of you!!! <3
Love, Sister Sabey

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014 - Missionary Work is AWESOME!

Hi Family!!

Fun fact... Being a missionary is the best thing ever. I seriously just want to be a missionary forever. I love getting to spend 100% of my time and energy on helping others come unto Christ. It's crazy to think about, but this is literally the only time in my life I can be completely dedicated to that cause alone. And having something so eternally significant to work on all day every day = happiness

Anyway! This week was pretty splendid. One thing I've been learning is how to recognize miracles. We don't have a lot of progressing investigators in our area. Actually, right now we don't have any. And that's really sad, because there are so many blessings available to our investigators if they just give a tiny bit of effort. But even though they're not technically "progressing," I've noticed that there are so many tender mercies every day. When I talk to our investigators, I can see how Heavenly Father is working on them. They may not recognize yet that it's Him, but they can feel it. Remember how I told you about Beth? Well she's not "progressing" right now, but she has grown so much spiritually. She is in super rough family situation, and it's been really hard for her to feel peace. We were visiting with her this week, and she kept talking about how she knew it was going to be okay. Usually she's just frustrated and kind of hopeless. But this time she could see the light at the end, and she was able to bear her trials with more patience. I know that Heavenly Father is working on her, and eventually she will come to recognize it! 

The visitors center has been so good! There are definitely more people coming lately, probably because it's summer for a lot of people now. It's such a blessing to be at this VC. I love that no matter what, I get to teach every day. There are always people who come in wanting to learn. This week we had a crazzzy tour. It was like... 2 and a half hours long haha. It was a cute young family- mom, dad, and two daughters (2years and 6 months). They just saw the temple when they were driving by, and were super curious about it. They're very into their religion, oxford Presbyterian church. But they asked so many good questions. Pretty much all the hard questions every future missionary hopes no one will ever ask. But it made me feel more like a missionary than ever! I also realized it's okay to just say that I don't know. We had to do that a few times haha. Luckily Elder Priday (vc director) was there and got to help us answer some questions. We got their information and get to stay in touch with them too! 

Well here are some highlights! 
-Sister Kim's scriptures got jacked by a 98 year old lady. We were visiting a less active member, and they were just finishing making easter lunch to bring to their family gathering. So we were just talking and eating.. In the meantime, their grandma took the scriptures and buried them somewhere in her room, and then forgot about it cause she has Alzheimer. So that was an adventure to try and find! But rest assured, we found them, all is well. :)
-I tried Musubi! Have you every heard of it? It's basically spam, sandwiched between tightly packed rice, all wrapped in seaweed. I thought I wouldn't like it but it's sooo goooood. 
-We got to go to the temple this month!! We get to go every other month, which is so nice. It gets better and better every time I go. 
-Have you all seen the mormon message called "Because of Him"? If not, look it up and watch it right now! It's what we've been sharing as our dinner message for the past week.

Alrighty I need to follow-up on the commitments I extended you! 
-Did you go to the VC and watch God's Plan?
-Did you like our VC facebook page?
If not, repent! Recommit! :) <3 

Well I love you so much!!!! It sounds like your lives are spectacular!!! I'm so excited for Levi, sounds like his trip has been sooo fun!!! Oh, and did my 16 year old brother get his birthday package?????? 
Thanks for being the best family ever!!! I love you sooo much! 
<3, Sister Sabey Baby

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 15, 2014 - Hey Hey!

Aloha Familia!!

This week has been simply smashing! Sorry I don't have a lot of time today...
But I'll just give you some highlights of my week!
-We joined ward choir, and it's so fun! Music is healing for the soul. Last week they needed someone to do the "descant" part... so I volunteered my companion to play the cello.. :) But it's been so fun! We were able to get a hold of a cello, and I get to listen to her practice every day! She's amazing at it, and she pretty much serenades me as I eat my meals every day haha :)
-It's graduation weekend for BYUH, so that means there were tons of visitors here for that. I got to take people on tours through "God's Plan" tour five times in a day, back to back. Needless to say I have it memorized by now. :) But I'm sure that's how it will be every day once it's summer for everyone!
-Getting a package from you was definitely a highlight! Thank you for the smashbook and goodies! Sister Kim and I loved it :))

So President Warner sent us this talk. It's so good. It's reminds me of what dad always talks about... Even though this is talking about missionary work and missionaries, it applies to everyone's life! 

Create Success by Elder M. Russell Ballard

Our time in the mission field is short but eternally important. As we examine the mission field, we see that some missionaries succeed to a great degree and others seem to stumble along, trying to stay enthusiastic, but somehow not obtaining the results which they desire. What makes the difference between a highly successful missionary that baptizes regularly and a missionary that seldom baptizes? Through examining the trends in the missions, we find that it is not the area, it is not the people, and it is not the time of year. Instead it is the attitude of the missionaries and their ability to utilize and apply the talents that they possess. We know that a missionary with a good attitude produces good results; fair attitude, fair results; poor attitude, poor results. The missionary with a good attitude works with the people and not through them.

Ability means nothing to a missionary if it is not used. The greatest men came to the top because of the strength that grew out of meeting resistance. Self-deceptions are responsible for more than three-fourths of all the so-called “unexplained failures” in the mission field. Many missionaries in the race for success explain their shortcomings as they do in the game of bowling. If they fail to win, something was wrong with the ally, the pins, their arms, their members, their companions, their areas, etc. etc. The trouble is never themselves. Of all the distinguished failures, those who deserve the least sympathy are the ones who gather in foolish little cliques, praise each other, deceive each other, criticize others, and fool themselves. They say, “I am not appreciated.” “I have had bad luck all my mission. Others have had a better chance.” “I wish I could have the fortune of Elder ‘success.’” A fireball missionary starts when an investigator says “no!” This is a plain and simple concept but very true.

Do not be a missionary who complains about his companion his leaders, and his burdens. Instead be a missionary who can be placed in any area and in any set of circumstances and be relied on to set things right. Become a creator of circumstances instead of a creature of circumstances.

Success does not depend on the message, but on the messenger. We each learn that failure and excuses go together, so we must learn to get away from excuses. Dull or slow months are for dull missionaries, so remember that sharp missionaries don’t have any.

This is why success is not luck. It can be predicted and followed each day into a successful week, year, and mission. Live one day at a time as though it where a building block. Do each day what should be done that day, and do not underwork, because that brings on the “bad luck” and slumps.

By being able to control what we put in this mind of ours, we determine our own lives. “as we sow, so shall we reap.” We can see how important it is to sow the right beginning thoughts. Another interesting fact about our minds is that we can only entertain one thought at a time. Therefore, your destiny may be determined by one single thought, and it is up to you whether you make it positive or negative. Think baptism and you will baptize. Your actions, attitude, mission, and life will be directed by your thoughts.

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. If you can’t see yourself baptizing, then you probably never will. A desire does not come from practical knowledge, but it comes from compulsions and obsessions. Desire leads to a goal, and it is the starting point of all achievement. The power of definite desire is beyond all practical goals that use no emotion. We need to get involved emotionally in our goal to baptize. Who will baptize next? The mission field is successful only to successful missionaries.

BAM. Everyone read that. Just substitute yourself where it says "missionary" and the word life where it says "mission." You have only to believe if you wish to achieve. That rhymed. Unintentional.

Well I'll write more next week! I love you all so much!! Keep being awesome member missionaries!

Sister Sabey

-So i have an assignment for everyone!!! Go onto facebook, and like the "Hawaii Temple Visitors Center (official site)" Page! Dad, you can ask sam how to do this... it's a very difficult procedure... :)

-Do we have an extra Uke floating around our house that's not being used?? 

-Levi, you are 2legit2quit!!! You made cookies for a bunch of people?! You're awesome!!!! You're such a good example to everyone!

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7, 2014 - Dearest Ohana!

Hello my lovely ohana! 
Hahaha, mom that story is so funny..  sounds just like something zach would do. What an adventure!!! Did you take pictures of your stuck car?  And I'm sorry about the pictures!!! I was worried that might happen with that blue marker... I don't remember which pictures I sent, but I can try to remember and re send them! Did dad like the squished frog? Apparently that was small compared to other ones. So I'll be on the lookout for more haha.  And zach is going back to BYUI! Fun fact! I love byu idaho. I've been realizing how much of a wonderful school it is. I don't know why I'm realizing that on my mission.... kinda random. But I'm just so glad I got to go there. 

Wasn't general conference amazing?! In my mind conference is pretty much like Christmas... it is the most wonderful time(s?) of the year!  We go to watch it in the Visitors Center theater with the Laie zone missionaries. It was awesome! We got to watch it live, so we were at the VC by 5:45am! I felt like it went by so fast though, I just wanted to soak up everything they had to say. It was a really cool experience, because before hand Sister Kim and I took like 15 minutes to write down questions we had. My questions were kinda specific and random. But they were all answered!! That's why the Spirit is so powerful, because no matter what you're hearing from the speakers, the Spirit will tell you whatever you need to hear.  Ah, conference is the best. How did you all like it?? Favorite talks? Remember that we were really hearing words straight from Heavenly Father for eight hours! So it's super important to keep reading those conference talks! Oh! And guess what we did after conference? The wonderful senior sisters made us breakfast pizza!!!! No marshmallow fluff, but nonetheless, it made me so happy. Of course it wasn't as good as yours mom, but it reminded me of you all!

So this week missionary work has been going good! Mostly we're just looking for more people to teach. It's amazing how we end up finding them though, it's definitely not through our own doing! So Sister Kim and I met this kind Chinese man named Charlie. He's living here in Laie, and he's a convert. He invited us to this "cottage meeting," which is basically where a bunch of converts bear their testimonies and invite everyone to come listen. And there's food. So basically it's the perfect thing to bring investigators to! In our ward there is a Chinese lady, Sarah, who came here to coach the BYUH basketball team, and she's a nom-member! She's super hard to get a hold of and meet with, but today she is coming to the cottage meeting with two other non-members!! We're so excited. It is a miracle.

Oh, zach! Guess what?! I was walking around the temple grounds, and these two girls came up to us and were like "do you know a sister sabey?" and I was like "woowooo! right here!" But I was confused because I didn't know them. And then they said they served their mission with you?!?! Carly Rate and someone else who's name I don't know. And she said she had a package from you for me! You're such a gem. So I'll probably see her around again sometime. :) Thanks for the package in advance, you are a gem!!!

Sam: You're on the volleyball team?!?! SWEET! How is it going?? Who else is on the team? Anyone I would know? How do you like it? How often do you have practice and games? I'll be there cheering for you in spirit!! Are you aware that you're turning 16 this week?!?! WHAT IN THE WORLD! HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Well, I love you all so much!! Keep being awesome! <3<3<3 
Sister Sabey
ps. Thank you (in advance) for the package mom!!