shabby blog

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Mar. 23, 2014 - Dearest Family

Hello Family!!!

I miss Zach toooo!!! Tell him put that missing into action and email me! Maybe you should do it missionary style so he will understand. Teach him how to write an email, testify that it will work and that I will receive and appreciate his email, invite him to get on his email this week and write me, then promise many abundant blessings for emailing me. Oh and maybe you can touch on forgiveness somewhere in there, since I was the worst at writing him... :)

So I've officially been here for one transfer! We got transfer news last night. But nothing is changing for me, same housing, same companion, same area. Which I'm really happy about.

I have to tell you about the coolest experience we had this week!! Sister Kim and I were walking around the temple grounds and stopped to talk to this (LDS) lady sitting on a bench. We got to know her a for a while, and even though she's young she's had some pretty hard challenges and trials. She was really struggling to find direction in her life. We shared a few scriptures with her and bore our testimonies and invited her to read Alma 37 and pray. A little while later she came up to us and asked if we could go say a prayer together. So we went into the VC, and she actually got a blessing from one of the senior elders on shift. The Spirit in the room was so strong, and everyone was crying by the end. Then we just left her alone to pray for a while. Sister Kim and I had to leave after that, so we didn't get to see her again. But! Then two days later, she came back to the visitors center!! We were so happy to see her. She was super excited to fill us in on her life, so we went outside to talk. So, after the blessing she knelt down to pray. She felt like she needed to ask if she should serve a mission, even though that seemed pretty out of the question. After she prayed, she felt the Spirit telling her she should serve a mission!! And so that night she texted her Bishop and her doctor and dentist and set up appointments! And she's going on a mission!!!! I'm SO very happy for her!!! She has so much faith, to immediately act upon a prompting, even though it may be difficult for her to do.  I was so grateful to witness that experience! The Spirit is so powerful, and can tell us everything we need to do. I know that prayer works. If we ask our Heavenly Father, He will always answer us. He can give us comfort, peace, direction, understanding, anything we need. We just need to ask.
Well I have to go, but I love you all so much! Remember to do some good solid missionary work! That means serving every single time you see an opportunity to, and always praying for more opportunities. You can make a huge difference by all the little things you do! By small and simple means are great things brought to pass!

I love you all so much!!! I miss you!! Good luck getting back to school (you can do it Levi!!) :)
<3 Love, Sister Sabey

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