Hi Family!!
Zach thanks for writing! To answer your questions.. So I went to ward council the first week, and then they changed our shift at the Visitors Center to be during our ward council meetings. So it's really bad but I haven't been since! We're trying to get it changed so that we can go. Sometimes it's a challenge trying to fit our ward's schedule into our VC schedule, since we are at the VC for at least 5 hours every day. We are really close with our ward! Well, I think. I guess I don't really have anything to compare it to since this is my first area. But since there are so many members here, really the only way to work is through members. I feel like I know a lot of people, but I still have so many more to meet! We work mostly with recent converts and less actives. Since there are so many members we only have a couple of investigators, and we work with them as often as they let us haha. :) There are miracles every day though!! Sometimes I feel like there isn't anyone to teach, but miraculously we still find more people. Sometimes it's through the ward, and sometimes it seems like people are randomly put in our path. Of course it's not random though. :)We started teaching a less active member this week who's from Tonga. He's 14 years old and he's just learning English. He was baptized when he was 10, but he didn't really understand the church very much. So we get to teach him the discussions. I love it because even though his english isn't the best, the Spirit is so strong. He has such a pure spirit and he loves learning. And the VC has been going wonderfully this week as well!! I know I probably say this every week, but the Spirit is so strong here. The other day a lady walked in and as soon as she saw the Christus she just stopped. She was so touched, she started crying. We talked for a while, and I found out that she's living here with her daughter who's in the military. She's super religious, but she doesn't have a church to go to right now. So we gave her a Book of Mormon, which she was super excited to read, and she said she'd might come to church! I'll be able to keep in contact with her later, so we'll see how it goes!
And yes, still eating a lot of Tongan food. So we eat dinner with the members every night right? The majority of the time it includes a minimum of: rice, potato, pasta, bread and dessert. So yeah, carb night every day o my life. Don't tell Eric. :) (just kidding you can tell him. have you been going in to him lately? tell him hi for me!!!!!) The weather has been lovely. Lots of rain, which I lovvveee. And when it's not rainy it's just like paradise every day! I'm so blessed, it's ridiculous.