shabby blog

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Feb. 18, 2014 - Hi from HI!


So I got to Hawaii safe and sound! So much has happened this week! I seriously don't even know where to start. So to answer your questions.... My companion is wonderful! Her name is Sister Kim, she's from South Korea. She is seriously one of the kindest, happiest people I have ever met. She has the cutest Korean accent, and she calls me her "little American baby." :) We will get to be together for two transfers, so it's a good thing I like her so much. 
I'm living on the beach! Not really.. but pretty much. There are a couple different places the Sisters serving at the  Laie Visitor Center (VC) live, and right now we're at the beach pad!! It's somewhere along the beach between the Laie Temple and the Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC). I can see the ocean from my window, it's probably less than 40 yards from our back door. Ah, it's divine. And the sisters we live with are so sweet, I love them already!
So I also found out that at VC missions, I'll be here for the whole time except for two or three transfers. But being a visitors center sister is so awesome, it's a really special place to be! The spirit is always so strong, and being on Temple grounds is awesome.  We also get to give the tram tours from the PCC to the VC! At first I was terrified of giving a tour to big groups of people. But it's actually my favorite thing to do now! Between bus rides we get to stay at the PCC and talk to people and invite them to take the tram tour. It's so fun being in that environment. People ask me all kinds of questions.. since I wear a muumuu and have a name tag on, all of the sudden I know everything haha. :) 
So here is some important information I have learned in the past week..

Hawaiian Vocabulary:

-choke: a lot
(we ate dinner with that tongan family and they fed us choke!) (<--true story)

-dakine: thing... anything, everything
(will you hand me that dakine? where is your dakine? i need a dakine.) 

-yah?  (it's hot yah? you're coming yah? you wanna leave now yah?)

-pou  (pronounced POW) (come over when church is pou!)

-and of course... Aloha, Mahalo, Shaka Brah!

Anyway! Sorry I didn't write very much. But I just want you to know that I absolutely love it here! I am so blessed. Seriously, I wake up every day in tropical paradise. And besides the exquisite spectacular beautiful place I get to live, I love being a missionary. I love talking to people and helping them come closer to Christ. This gospel is so important, and everyone needs it! I feel so blessed and humbled that the Lord is allowing me to help hasten the work!

I love you all so much!! I think about you and pray for you every day!! Thank you for your emails. Also, if you want to send me real mail, the address I gave you that's on my fb page is good for now, they just forward it to us here. If I didn't tell you anything you wanted to hear about you can ask as many questions as you want! And I can print emails from the computers here cause we do this from the VC... just so you know. :)

Lots and lots of oodles of love,
Sister Sage Sabey

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