I can't believe it's been two weeks. I feel like I just got here...but I kinda feel like I've been here forever. It's weird. So did I ever mention to you that I love Hawaii??! Because I do. I wake up in a tropical paradise every day. And then I get to walk around tropical paradise. And talk to wonderful humans who live in a tropical paradise. Basically, I'm super blessed.
So every day we have either a morning or afternoon/night shift at the Visitor Center (VC). And the rest of the day is for studying and proselyting I really love doing both. They're very different, but they're both missionary work. Oh and on Thursdays and Saturdays we do the tram from the PCC to the VC which is so much fun.
So to answer your questions about the VC! For the majority of the people we see, we don't really see any end result. We just plant a seed. :) We pass out a "guest card" to everyone, which has a picture of the Christus and a place where people can fill out their information if they want to learn more. If they fill it out, we get to stay in contact them and teach them over the phone or email. Those guest cards are gold. A lot of sisters see baptisms from that. But you'd actually be surprised at how often we have good in depth conversations about the gospel while in the VC. When we do tram tours, we only have about 15 minutes with them inside the VC... but I've had a ton of great conversations from that.
Actually, just this Saturday I had the best experience!! There was this man (Lei) who came on the tram tour with his parents. They are all from China, and only Lei knew english. So I talked to him and he would translate every once in a while. Anyway. So he's from China... which means he knows next to nothing about religion. He has only heard of God and the Bible. So we were starting fresh. I explained about God and Jesus Christ and the plan of salvation and all that good stuff. A simplified version. But he was so interested!! Which is amazing because most of the people who come from Asia, especially China, don't really like the idea of Jesus Christ. He kept asking really good questions and he was so eager to learn more. I told him about the Book of Mormon, and he wanted one!! He was super excited to get it, and his parents seemed pretty interested too. Then it was time to go and I was so sad, I just wanted to keep talking to him. And then I also realized that I couldn't send the missionaries to his house in China, which is something we would normally do for anywhere else. But rest assured!! He told me that he and his family will be here in Hawaii for a few months!! Do you know what that means? Enough time to get baptized before he goes back to China!! So yeah. I'm super excited to teach him.
So when we're not in the VC or doing Tram tours, we get to proselyte in our area. Laie is 92% Mormon, so we mostly work with less-active members in our ward. But we do have a couple of investigators, we just don't get to see them very often. Oh and did I tell you we're on bikes? A lot of the other sisters have cars, but I really like biking. I could use to burn the extra calories from all the tongan dinners we get. :)
It sounds like you are all doing well, I'm SO glad to hear that!!! The walking to the Gilbert temple sounds awesome. The dedication will be so cool!!! Everyone here is talking about it- haha. I'm so excited for you all to see Zach soon! I had a dream that he came home last night. But I was just at home in AZ and he came to the front door dressed like a hippie.. drug-rug jacket, hemp backpack, beanie hat and all. Hopefully his homecoming isn't exactly like that though... :)
OH! THANK YOU SO MUCH for the packages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They made me so very happy. :) They had everything I needed, you are amazing!! WOW MOM, the valentines day cuteness was so adorable! I LOVE YOU! And my padmates love you too because you're always sending me the most lovely things. Getting emails/letters/packages from home makes my heart sing with joy. Mahalo nui loa!
Anywhooo!! Thanks for asking questions. So many things happen every week, I wouldn't know what to say in my emails without them haha. I love you all so much! I pray for you and think about you every day!
Lots and lots of love,
Sister Sabey