shabby blog

Thursday, July 2, 2015

After aloha 'oe with all mah leis! 
(Aloha 'Oe=  when someone is leaving everyone sings this really lovely Hawaiian song called Aloha Oe, which means goodbye. It's kind of like singing "God be with you till we meet again," and everyone gives you leis and hugs as you sing. Pretty bittersweet time!)

My dear loves... ALOOOOOOHA! 

Well folks..... the time has come. I don't really know what to say....... other than that this week/transfer/mission... has been spectacular. I can't really sum up all the things I've learned or ways I've grown or experiences I've had in one email... and even if I could I don't have time... but I can definitely say this has been the best thing I've ever experienced. It's bittersweet leaving.......... but I'm also full of gratitude that Heavenly Father blessed me with this experience! 

Well sorry this is so short... no time.... but for more details my wonderful friend wrote an email for me! 

Salamatpo, ofa atu, osi ngaue, and hasta ver!!! 
<3, Sister Sabey

Dear Family and Friends,
This is Sister Sabey’s good friend, Sister Lenker.
Sister Sabey is very tired and she asked me to write for her as this is her LAST missionary email!!
She bore her final testimony this morning and everyone sang “Aloha’oe” and cried and cried.
Sister Sabey looked like a royal angel as she bore her sweet and powerful testimony!
She has truly become a woman of God!

It hadn’t hit her that she was really finishing her mission until YESTERDAY!
She felt so much love from her ward and companion... it was too much... she had to cry it out.

Regardless, she is so excited for the adventures ahead!  And to date plenty boys!

She will always remember the ALOHA spirit and carry it with her everywhere!

She is so excited to see all of you in a FEW DAYS!!!

Aloha nui loa,

Sis. Lenker


My dear friend Sister V!!!! She got to come down to Laie for the day to have lunch before I leave. 
So. Much. Love. <3