shabby blog

Monday, October 27, 2014

Oct 27- Holoha!! (Hola + Aloha)

Hi family!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful week! Thank you for your emails, they make me so happy :)

Highlights of this week!

-So once upon a time, Sister Na and I were at the VC, we decided that since we both took four years of spanish in high school we would practice speaking spanish to each other. It was super random, and we are both really horrible at it. But it was kind of fun to practice. And then!!! Like 15 minutes after practicing how we would hypothetically give a spanish tour, a couple from Spain came in! Jose and Alicia. They were exceedingly delightful. They're from the Canary Islands, and speak english way better than we speak spanish. Haha so we took them on a spanglish tour, and they were super interested. We were able to explain all about the temple and the Book of Mormon, and they loved learning. Also, fun fact, Jose is an Iron Man athlete, and Alicia is an Olympic sailor, so look out for her in the next Olympics!!! Also, they offered for us to stay with them if we ever visited Spain... so that will probably happen at some point. :) And then!!! After we said goodbye to them, we were just laughing at our spanish-speaking skills (or lack thereof), when a couple from Colombia came in! But this time they only knew like two words of english, so it was a little different. But I explained all the rooms in the temple to them, and the Book of Mormon, and translated what the tram tour had said to them. And somehow they understood! Probably just the Spirit translated for me because I'm pretty sure I was speaking lococrazy. But they both took Books of Mormon and are super excited to read them! 
-Sister Na and I have been trying to perfect our tactics of "Hale Tracting." (Hales are what you call the housing BYUH on campus, Hale means "house" in Hawaiian.) So this week we decided to make our own mormon meme! Here it is :) I love this quote, because we can really know that we are never alone, no matter what we are going through. Christ has walked our path, and because of that He can help us through anything. 

Yes, I absolutely LOVE my companion. She reminds me of Kami a lot. So naturally we have so much fun together. 

Okay well there are more than two highlights but I'm short on time today! But I love you all tonnnnns! Keep praying. Keep reading your scriptures. Keep serving and loving those around you. 
<3, Sister Sabey

Monday, October 20, 2014

Oct 20- Kamaaina

Aloha my lovely ohana!!!
The Hawaiian word of the day is Kamaaina. It means "old timer." Five sisters finished their missions this last transfer (rest in peace), it was sad to see them go! With them gone now, it makes me one of the old timers. Even though I haven't been out that long, there are tons of Malihinis, "newcomers", which makes me one of the old sisters. Weird, right?

Well this week has been spectacular!!! 
-I looooove my new companion Sister Na. I'm pretty sure that we would be best friends if we knew each other before... I don't know why they put us together because we have way too much fun haha :) 
-On Sunday we gave a tour to a guy from Morocco Africa.. it was so cool. I love it when people come in so ready to learn more and soak it all in. We showed him almost every display at the VC, and he had so many questions about everything. He was super interested in the Word of Wisdom, because he's a rock climber and super into health stuff. He just moved to Hawaii, so we can definitely keep teaching him! 
-So this transfer I moved back into the other beach pad, the one I lived in for my first three transfers. Our first night in the pad, we found three huuuge cockroaches. Ewwwwwwwwwwww. It was so gross. But luckily with lots of verbal support from Sister Na, I killed all of them! 
-Earlier this week we had dinner with a cute couple from mainland China. They fed us some delish chinese food, and then when we finished they brought out this dish that they called "the special soup." It looked kind of scary. But, we decided to try it! After we dished up they told us it was pig stomach soup. It was actually really good though! 
-On Saturday Sister Na and I were dropping off something at one of our members house, and the guy told us that a new couple had moved in next door. So we knocked on what we thought was the right door just to meet them and say hi, but apparently it wasn't the right house. Instead a guy named Nick answered, and he was a non-member!!!!! That pretty much never happens in Laie.... an unknown non-member. MIRACLE. And he had never seen missionaries before!! He's from mainland China, and he's here as the assistant basketball coach at BYUH. And he was actually going to church on Sunday for the first time ever!!! It was quite a miracle... Heavenly Father definitely sent us to knock on the wrong door for a reason! 

Well my friends, I love you so much!!! I hope you have a splendid week! 
Sister Sabey
Thank you sooo omuch for the package!!!!I It made my week. I'm eating the chocolate covered almonds even as we speak. You are sooooooooo sweet!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Oct 14 - Rejoice in every good thing...

Hi family!
I love hearing about everyone's adventures!!! Thanks for the emails! It's been quite a lovely week here in Laie. :) 

On Saturday Tia got baptized! She is such a gem. Even though her family doesn't necessarily want to be taught yet, they are soo supportive. They prepared enough food to feed an army for her baptism, it was so sweet. :) It's the best feeling in the whole world seeing someone be baptized and confirmed, especially when it's someone you know will never fall away. I feel so blessed that Heavenly Father lead us to Daniela and Tia this transfer! It really was a miracle to witness their conversion. Alma 23:6-8. :) 

We found out transfer news on Sunday.. and I'm staying on BYU-H campus! But Sister Gementiza is getting transferred to a family ward in Laie. We already knew she was going to leave the area, so no surprises. And my new companion will be Sister Na!! She's Korean, but from Chicago. She's the sweetest!! Now this thing was pleasing unto me... for I had requested it of my Father who was in heaven, for He had heard my cry and answered my prayer. (Jacob 7:22 :) It's another seven week transfer, and I'm so excited for it! 

Well, my friends! I hope everyone is doing well and happy. :) We are so blessed to have this gospel, it is the true source of peace and happiness. We have so many reasons to be grateful! My favorite scripture this week is Deureronomy 26:11..."rejoice in every good thing which the Lord thy God hath given unto thee." :) I hope your week is full of good things and rejoicing! 

I love you all!!! 
<3, Sister Sabey


Tia’s baptism!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Oct 7, 2014 Pau Hana

The Hawaiian word of the week is Pau Hana. Pau means "done" and Hana means "work." The words together mean "the work is done." But there is no such thing as pau hana in missionary work!!

This week has been lovely!!! Here are some highlights... 

-GENERAL CONFERENCE. Who loved conference last weekend?! Wasn't it so good?! Definitely an answer to prayers. All of our investigators (all two of them) watched it! Alexandra, the one I told you about last week from France, was able to watch the session where Elder Bednar spoke directly to non-members. So that was definitely not mere serendipity. And Tia of course watched all of conference and loved it. My favorite talks were by Elder Holland and Elder Jorg Klebingat. And everyone else too... they were all my favorite. 
-Tia.... she's always a highlight. So we had a lesson with her scheduled for Thursday. We have been trying sooo hard to get members to come to her lessons, and seriously every time it falls through. Either the member shows up and Tia doesn't, or Tia shows up or the member doesn't. Every time. So! On Thursday morning we got a text from the AP's saying we are having a contest to see who could get the most member present lessons that day. Of course we didn't really have high chances of winning that one with being in the Visitors Center and all... but we really wanted to at least get one! So we tried calling members, but no one was able to come. So we just went to the VC to meet her, and when she got there, she said "Hey, is it okay if someone joins us for our lesson today?" And of course it was her boyfriend's mom (who's a member) who lives on the other side of the island who just happened to be getting out of the temple at the exact time of our appointment. Coincidence? I think NOT! :) So she was able to join us as we talked about The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Her testimony was so powerful, and I know she was meant to be there in that lesson! 
-So the VC is starting this cute little thing called Story Time. It's where every Friday morning, we get to have a little lesson with kids ages 2-5. It's just 30 minutes long, but it's soo fun :) We had our first one this past Friday. About 4 companionships get to help out with either reading, or singing a song, or teaching them something new, etc.  I got to play the Ukulele and Sister Gementiza and I taught them a little song and then we all sang I'm a Child of God. It's fun because a ton of kids show up, and all there parents are there for it too. A lot of them are less active... which is cool because we are teaching the kids and their parents. Even if the message is something as simple as "I am a Child of God"... the message is for everyone. 
-All of our mission has a goal to read Jesus the Christ before the next general conference! Someone made a bookmark that spaces it out so that we read about 4 pages a day. It started yesterday, and it has already been a delight! I know that normal non-missionary humans don't have all the time in the world to just read a 793 page book... but spacing it out over 6 months reading four pages a day isn't that bad right? :) 

Well, my friends! There were many more highlights... but that's all the time I have for today! I hope all of you are doing well and also had a lovely week! Let me know how you enjoyed conference... remember the greatest blessings of conference come after it's over, as we study the talks! I love you all an exceeding amount!! 
Sister Sabey

1- what I get to see when I wake up and look out the window every morning..
2- story time
3-post-conference breakfast